Burning magic in Mundana
Mundana is a world where the very laws of nature is underpinned by the magical field, sorcerers can manipulate that field using the strength of their souls and their will to create effects of magic.
The types of magic in mundana are the following, sorcery, faith, shamanism and alchemy.
Using sorcery the sorcerer himself manipulates the magic in the world to create an effect.
Using faith the priest calls upon his god or saint to create the effect for him, if the good is willing and the faithful have shown proper devotion the prayer is granted. Prayers for things other than personal enlightenment, mental healing or blessings of marriages are rarely granted only the most faithful have a chance of getting that level of help. When a god does not grant a boon they might decide to smite the priest if they think he acted without respect.
Using shamanism the shaman is restricted to affecting souls, spirits and daemons. Shamanism is the art of strengthening ones soul to wrestle with spirits on the spirit plane, letting go of ones body to travel the spirit plane and bargaining with spirits, daemons work as spirits but are much more dangerous.
Using alchemy the alchemist can enchant objects, brew magical potions and elixirs, reanimate the dead and explore the very essence of how magic constitutes matter.
Sorcery in play
To use sorcery there are two important skills, sorcery and magic-wise. Sorcery is used for the practical parts of manipulating magic and magic-wise is used for creating new spells, figuring out new effects and for research into the fundamental being of magic. There is a third skill usable to sorcerers, mage-sense this allows the sorcerer to discern the different aspects of magic they encounter, such as element and impetus.
All sorcery works fundamentally the same but sorcerers often categorises spells in three different groups. Improvised magic is where the sorcerer comes up with the spell on the spot combining effects he knows or can figure out to create magic unprepared and at once. Formalised spells are quicker than improvised magic and slightly simpler to cast but on the other hand the spell can not be varied but must be cast exactly as is. Rituals is simply spells, nearly always formalized, where a lot of extra time is used to make the casting simpler and safer.
Associated with all casting of sorcery is a risk that if the sorcerer looses control of the magic before having fully stabilised the effect then the magic will rush violently back to the magical field and that can cause serious damage to the caster and more importantly to his soul. The type of physical effect, if any, this have on the mage depends on the elements involved while the risk of damaging ones soul always exists if using anything but the simplest spells.
Improvised magic
In the same way as abstractions in the magic burner select element,impeti,origin,duration and area of effect. All spells are considered capped so extra successes can never be used to increase effectiveness and no ob reduction form that can be had. Minoris sigil can be used but only if the spell affects much less than it usually would, unused aspects does not qualify for the minoris sigil and the minoris sigil can only be taken once per spell. The majoris sigil is still applied as normal. Spells can be cast normally or carefully or discreetly. Casting carefully the sorcerer speaks loudly and makes large gestures granting 1D and doubling the time taken. Casting discreetly the sorcerer does not make any gestures or speech +ob1.
An important thing to note is the magnitude which is the ob of the impeti of spell and +1 for each extra element.
In mundana magic comes in the form of elements and while magic from one element can be transformed into another it is simpler to access the correct element, if the sorcerer knows how that is. To draw power from an element is called to invoke it. Normally the sorceror invokes pover from his suroundings but in some cases he draws power from himself which is called internal invokation, this normally have a price attached.
Using elements
For each element requiered for effects | + ob1 | + 1 action |
Each missing requiered element | + ob1 | + 1 action |
Element oposed to effect | + ob1 | + 1 action |
Each extra element | - | + 2 actions |
Taking more than one element | - | * 10 actions |
Knowing elements
A sorcerer can not use an element he does not know, when a sorcerer gets more skilled he can get bonuses for using elements he is good at.
Beginer | +0D | 5 res |
Skilled | +1D | 15 res |
Master | +2D | 30 res |
If casting a spell that uses biotropy and hydrotropy to heal a person, only biotropy is requiered (ob1,1 action) no missing elements, no element opposed to the effect and one extra element (-,* 2 actions). As we have taken more than one element we end up with (ob1,(1+2)*10)=(ob1,30 actions).
Assume that our sorcerer is a beginer at Biotropy and is Skilled at Hydrotropy he gets no extra die from Biotropy but +1D from hydrotropy, the whole reason to include that element in the first place.
List of elements
Biotropy |
The force of life. This is the element for healing, encouraging plant and animal growth, curing sickness, slowing down aging and is also a vital part in summoning elementals. Invokation To invoke Biotropy one needs to have large amounts of living matter to draw power from, drawing power from creatures causes tiredness and the creature must be willing and of a weight of about 10kg per ob in the impetus of the spell, drawing power from plants require approximately 100kg of plant matter per ob in the impetus part of the spell. Internal invokation If no external life exists the sorcerer can draw power from himself at +ob1. This causes the scorcerer to tire in the same way as if he was a creature being used for invokation source. Element type Corpus,Dual(Necrotropy) Opposed element Necrotropy Similar element - |
Necrotropy |
The force of death, causer of rot and decay. This power is used to cause sickness, make meat spoil, causing rot and fast decay. It is also used to control undead. Invokation To use this element the sorcerer needs to either have a lot of dead creatuers at hand. Each magnitude requiers about one sheep sized amound of flesh. Or the sorceror must sacrifice something, the sice of the sacrifice is about a cat sized offering for each magnitude. While plants have life and can be killed they work badly for summoning necrotropy as the life force are to spread out to kill it all at once and this makes harvesting plant death an unfesible power source. Internal invokation If no death exists nerby the scorceror can at +ob1 draw power from himself, when doing this a wound is placed on the damage greyscale at cordinate black magnitude, this is placed after the spell is finished, there is no external wound and it does not bleed or otherwise hinder the charachter but enough wounds can of cource kill him. Element type Corpus,Dual(Biotropy) Opposed element Biotropy Similar element - |
Astrotropy |
Element type Massless Opposed element - Similar element - |
Selenotropy |
Element type Massless Opposed element - Similar element - |
Heliotropy |
Element type Massless Opposed element Kryotropy, Skototropy Similar element Termotropy, Fototropy, Pyrotropy |
Ataxatropy |
Element type Massless,Dual(Nomotropy) Opposed elements Nomotropy, Kryotropy Similar element Termotropy |
Nomotropy |
Element type Massless,Dual(Ataxatropy) Opposed element Ataxatropy, Termotropy Similar element Kryotropy |
Kronotropy |
Element type - Opposed element - Similar element - |
Termotropy |
Element type Massed,Dual(Kryotropy) Opposed element Nomotropy, Kyrotropy, Skotropy Similar element Ataxatropy, Fototropy, Heliotropy, Pyrotropy |
Kryotropy |
Element type Massed,Dual(Termotropy) Opposed element Ataxatropy, Termotropy, Fototropy, Heliotropy, Pyrotropy Similar element Nomotropy, Skotropy |
Fototropy |
Element type Massless,Dual(Skotropy) Opposed element Skotropy, Kyrotropy Similar element Termotropy, Heliotropy, Pyrotropy |
Skotropy |
Element type Massless,Dual(Skotropy) Opposed element Termotropy, Heliotropy, Fototropy, Pyrotropy Similar element Kryotropy |
Pyrotropy |
Invokation Element type Massless Opposed element Hydrotropy Similar element Termotropy, Fototropy, Heliotropy |
Hydrotropy |
Invokation Element type Massless Opposed element Pyrotropy Similar element - |
Geotropy |
Invokation Element type Massed Opposed element Pneumotropy Similar element - |
Pneumotropy |
Invokation Element type Massed Opposed element Geotropy Similar element - |
Ikonotropy |
Invokation Element type Symbolic Opposed element - Similar element Semotropy |
Semotropy |
Element type Symbolic Opposed element - Similar element Ikonotropy |
Psykotropy |
The element of mortal souls, this element is capable of manipulating mortal souls such as soothing pain and sending toughts accross Invokation Generating psykotropy is exausting, use the magnitude of the spell as an obstacle for a will test. If the test is failed the sorcerer have +1ob to any roll after the casting of the spell until he manages to get some sleep. This accumulates for successive castings. The only element that can be transformed to Psykotropy are Teotropy. So a mortal sorcerer must unless he has divine aid know Psykotropy to be able to use any of its effects. Element type Spiritual Opposed element - Similar element - |
Daimotropy |
The element of deamon souls, the full capabilities of this element is not known but it among other things include the abiliti to form living matter from nothing creating bodies to house the deamons souls on the material plane. Invokation Only deamons (and maybe gods) can generate this power. It can not be transformed into from any element a mortal can generate and thus requiers mortal sorcerers who wishes to use it to compell or bargin with deamons for access to their magic. Element type Spiritual Opposed element - Similar element - |
Teotropy |
The element of gods, the capabilities of this element is not fully understod but one effect it is observed to have is healing and strenghtening mortal souls. Invokation Only the gods can generate this element, the only way a mortal can get access to this is to be handed power from a god. This is used in church rituals but few priests are brave enough to ask for power in other circumstances. As far as it is known this element can not be transformed into at all. Thus requiering a god generating power to use any of its effects. Element type Spiritual Opposed element - Similar element - |
Depending on the effect of the spell differnt impeti are requiered, it is harder to create and control than enhance infulence and taxing. Not all impeti can be used with all elements, which are permissible are listed in the element description.
Create | ob2 |
Destroy | ob2 |
Control | ob1 |
Transmute | ob2 |
Detect | ob1 |
Enhance | ob1 |
Damage | ob2 |
Influence | ob1 |
Tax | ob1 |
Increasing effect | +ob1 |
A sorcerer might add more power to the spell by increacing the impeti dificulty, as a general rule adding +1ob increaces the effect of the spell in an additive fassion. There are exceptions to this and they are noted in the effects affected.
The impeti create, destroy, control and transmute affects the elements, that is, the element itself is the target. While the impeti enhance, damage, influence and tax affects its targets with the element. There is a difference between destoying a fire and destroying with fire...
For massive elements this impeti creates its target element or somthing made out of its target element. If nothing else is said it can create one kilogram of its element and one kilogram extra for each increace of the effect.
For massless elements this impeti still creates its element or something made out of its target element, the base size is about fist size, any larger have to be handeled by area effects. Increasing the effect of this makes the element more intense, darker darkness, hotter fire etc. For anything helped or hindered by the creation of the element, add 1ob or 1D depending on if it helps or hinders. Increasing the effect adds an additional 1ob or 1D per increase.
Symbolic elements effects for this impeti are defined in their effects.
Other element types can't be created.
What is created with the create impeti can be destroyed with the destroy impeti. This impeti exactly mirrors Create and the dificulty of creating something with create is the same as for destroying it with destroy.The exception to this is dual elements which can not be destroyed but must be cancled with their elemental counterpart.
The control impeti is used to move, shape and alter the target element. This can be everything from shaping methal with geotropy to altering the color of a flame to pushing someone with a gust of wind.A special use of control is to control elementals. If doing this the ob for the impeti is the same as the elementals rank. Can not affect more than one creature at once by using area of effect.
For massive elements this impeti affects at most one kilogram of its element and one kilogram extra for each increace of the effect.
For massless elements the amount of the element to be affected is about fist sized unless modified with area effect. Increacing the effect makes the alterations more effective, more precise or something similar. If used to help or hinder add 1ob or 1D per increas in effect depending on if it helps or hinders. If the added precision is not used for such a purpose the GM determines the difficulty.
Corpus elements are especially well suited to control, to control souless bodies or plants ob1 can control up to aproximatlly 30kg. Larger bodies can be affected with a +ob1 increas for each additional 30kg. For creatures with a soul control corpus can't be used, for that use control spiritual instead. If modifying a control corpus with area of effect, count the combined weight of the affected bodies or plants affected to figure out the difficulty of the impetii.
To control a spiritual element use the spiritual type accociated with the element and a dificullty that is the same as the creatures spiritual ranking (any playable creature is rank 3), note that a sorcerer can not affect creatures with the same spiritual type as himself. Can not affect more than one creature at once by using area of effect.
The transumte impeti is what should be used when changing one element to another. There are few practical appliactions of this discovered in mundana, the most common one is turning living matter into stone. When used on plant matter or souless animals it affects at most 30kg with an additional 30kg allowed per ob1 increas in difficulty. While it does work on creatures with souls it takes considerably more energy. In this case only 10kg are affected with an additional 10kg for each increasce in power.
Other uses might exist but are not currently known.
The detect impeti are used for detecting the pressence of the element within the area of effect. The scorcerer will be able to pinpoint any and all occurances of the element within the area of effect.
When using the enhance impeti the element is used to enhance some aspect of its target or targets. For example imfusing the target with the toughness of stone. For each ob1 of the impeti add 1d to a specific attribute or other stat. An increase effect means an additional 1D is granted for each increase in power.
Note that there are no known way of using the enchant impeti to increas ones inteligence or spellcasting ability.
This impeti is for using the element to damage its targets. The amount of damage done is dependent on the element and the effect and each increase in obstacel adds to the damage.
The influence impeti is used to influence the target or targets using an element in some way that is not granting die of obstacle. This can be used to speed up healing times with biotropy. To grant the ability to breath underwater by using pneumotropy or to teleport someone using ataxatropy. The exact machanics of this is very much dependent on the effects used.
The tax impeti mirrors the enhance impeti but instead of granting die it adds ob1 to some attribute or stat. Increasing the power adds +ob1 per increase.
The spells origin determines where the spell starts, it can affect things outside its starting area by using area of effect.
True Name | ob0,+2D | +1 actions per magnitude of name |
Personal | ob0,+1D | Caster is always affected |
Close enough to tuch | ob1 | |
Distance | +ob1 for up to 5*will meters from caster | +1 action |
Effect can move | +ob1 for each will meters per action |
As can be seen from the table above, affecting targets at a distance rapidly becomes hard. The only exception is knowing a targets true name, any target whose true name is known can be affected no matter the distance.
The duration of a spell is either instant, substained, permanent or lasts for a specific time. The longer lasting spell the harder to cast.
Instantanious | ob0 | 1 action |
Substained | ob2 | 2 action |
Actions | ob1 for will actions | 1 action |
Exchanges | ob2 for will exchanges | 2 action |
Minutes | ob3 for will minutes | 3 action |
Permanent | ob6 | 500 action |
Double duration | +1ob | *2 actions |
Area of Effect
In many cases a spell only affects one target, if the scorcerer whishes to target an area that is doable bu quickly adds to the complexity of the spell.
Single target or point | ob1 |
1m radius | ob2 |
Double radius | *2 |
Formalised magic
To formalise a spell construct the spell in the same way as you would if improvising. Note that a sorcerer might not figure out new effects when formalising spells, that must be done when improvising. Then note the magnitude of the spell, this is the obstacle for a magic-wise test with time in weeks equal to the obstacle. Extra successes can be allocated to reduce time taken as usual. If the test is successful the spell is formalized and get its ob reduced by one compared to the improvised version and casting time halved rounding up. If the test is failed by a single success the spell is constructed but is unnecessary convoluted. Roll a dice, on an odd number the ob is not reduced but the time is and on an even number the ob is reduced but not the time. If this happens the test has to be redone from scratch to create a simpler spell or the spell can be used in its more complicated form. If the test is failed by more than one but less than 5 the creation simply fails, the time for the construction is wasted and the sorcerer might start again. If the test is failed by more than 5 something is horribly wrong with the spell and the effects wont stabilise when casting the spell is attempted forcing the sorcerer to attempt dissipation. If the sorcerer knows a spell that differs by only one aspect from the spell he attempts to create 1D is granted to the roll. This is not cumulative so only 1D can be granted this way per spell.
When a sorcery roll to cast a spell fails, be it a quick improvised spell or a formalised ritual a sorcerer must make a test to safely release the energies gathered back to the magical background field. If the spell failed by only one success nothing happens, the problems started before any energies where gathered. If the spell used extra elements or wrong elements roll a dice, on even go to the next item on odd the energies are transformed to a random element. Randomize which element before continuing. If the sorcerer knows the elements of the effects he is attempting to cast he may make a sorcery test with ob equal to the spells magnitude adding dice for knowledge of the element as usual. If this test fails two things happens, one depending on the element some physical effect from uncontrolled dissipation occurs. Secondly the sorcerer must make a steel test against the magnitude of the spell. If this test is failed damage is done to the sorcerers soul proportional to the number of dice the steel test missed by this is called loosing quadosh in game.
There are two effects of loosing quadosh, the first is that the character appearers as if he was one year older per quadosh point lost with all the normal problems that ageing presents, for dwarves and elves that age slower than humans they still look that many human years older and get age penalties equally fast. If the sorcerer where to die from the aging caused by loosing quadosh a will test is made at the sorcerers total number of extra years older from quadosh loss divided by 5. If this test is failed the sorcerers soul is to damaged to hold together and breaks apart something that causes the sorcerers body to fade away from reality as well. If the test succeeded the sorcerer still dies and now is a damaged soul traversing the spirit plane, easy prey for lurking daemons. Most sorcerers rightly fear loosing quadosh and will avoid preforming dangerous magic needlessly. If the sorcerer have lost quadosh and wish to recover it there are two alternatives, for each point of faith gained a minor miracle can restore 1 point and for each year that the sorcerer has no contact with magic one point heals of its own.Effects
TODO list of effects on the format
- Flame (1)
- Element Pyrotropy
- Impeti Create,Control,Destroy,Damage
- Can't be made permanent
- Can't be instantaneous
- Affects flames for example destroying the flame will make it weaker maybe quenching it
Traits affecting sorcery
- Quiet caster 4pt
- +1D to sorcery when casting discreetly.
Faith in mundana